
The Beginning

North Carolina is where I was fortunate enough to call home for the first 24 years of my life. With so many different culinary staples from the coast to the mountains, my love for great food came at a very young age. From small BBQ joints out in the country to trendy restaurants in the vibrant and diverse city of Charlotte, I had no shortage of incredible cuisine. Possibly stemming from my love for fishing, what really stole my heart at a young age was seafood. Rich and buttery crab legs only to be enjoyed while on vacations to the beach, blackened mahi tacos from food trucks, low country shrimp boils by the lake, you get the idea. As my love for coastal fare grew, so did my love for cooking it. As I navigated through college, I began to teach myself some of the basics on how to cook. In the springs and summers I would fire up the grill or the smoker almost every single day. The falls and winters would be filled with hearty meals prepared in the slow cooker and dutch oven. These recipes were passed down from family and friends throughout the years of my childhood and early adulthood, and really set the tone for my style of cooking today.

Where I Am Now

After about two years of postgraduate debauchery, my job landed me just east of Jacksonville, FL in a little beach town named Neptune Beach. This was a very transformative time within my life as it represented a fresh start. It would be the first time I moved away from my family, the first time I did not have any friends close by, and the first time I was truly on my own. Not to mention, I absolutely love the coast. I love the beach, offshore fishing, local dive bars and hidden restaurants, and the low key atmosphere that surrounds this secluded paradise. But perhaps the best part of it all was that I was five minutes away from the freshest seafood you can find. Sushi grade ahi, shrimp the size of sausages, fresh oysters by the bushel, wahoo, cobia, mahi, you name it, right here in my backyard.

I have been here in Northeast Florida for about two years now, teaching myself how to prep and cook the amazing seafood here at my fingertips. That is not to say that seafood is the only thing on weekly menu. I am a big fan of preparing all different kinds of meals that cater to my desires, my guests, the seasons, the weather, and the overall atmosphere and aesthetic that the day provides. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, sides, sauces, drinks, tips and ideas, you can find here.

Final Thoughts

Although we sometimes feel as if we are not being the best version of ourselves, this is often not the case. This feeling is a conviction that inherently leads to action. With discipline, dedication, and hard work, one can always be better, as there is no limit to leveling up. However, it is equally important to appreciate where we are and how we got here. Focus on the present. Live in the moment. As we progress forward in our journey through life, we must take the time to slow it down, even coming to a brief stop, to take in the exact moment we are living in. The more and more I have worked on navigating these hostile waters we call life, the more I am reminded of the ancient latin phrase, “Memento Mori”, or, “remember you must die”. This is an important reminder that tomorrow is never assured, so use your time to create meaning in your life. Live in the moment. Be present. Be intentional. Do things that bring purpose to your life. Get outside. Go fishing, go surfing, run a marathon, try and new recipe, travel to new parts of the world. Whatever it is that brings you true fulfillment and happiness. Above all, have fun. Fun is the name of the game. Life is way too short to not fill it with fun. Enjoy it while it lasts.

On that note, this blog is a work in progress, so recipes to follow. Thanks, be cool.

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